Bloom Gives Back
Bloom is a proud community partner to organizations that support our neighbors in health and wellness.
As resources allow, we provide gift card donations to events, serve as a collection site for donation drives, and offer donation based classes. Email us for more information.
Moms Demand Action Donation Class
Thanks to all who joined our donation-based class for Moms Demand Action!
In March 2023, Kathleen Matuszewich donated her time to teach a donation-based class, raising money for Moms Demand Action. Moms Demand Action is a grassroots organization working in communities across the country to fight for public safety and protection from gun violence.

Sista Afya Community Care
Bloom is happy to have partnered with Sista Afya in several ways over the course of 2023!
Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness provides community mental wellness, centering the experience of Black women. As a sponsor of Sista Afya's Whole Women Wellness Festival, Bloom supported the individual therapy program.

#MindfulMarch 2022
Thanks to all who participated in our Spring Fundraiser in 2022!
In March, the Bloom community raised $750 to benefit Love Your Brain Foundation’s #MindfulMarch fundraiser! Funds raised support LYB's gentle yoga and meditation programs for individuals recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries. Students joined selected donation classes to support the cause.

Sarah's Circle
Thanks to All who participated in our Winter 2020 Yoga For A Cause Class
At our Yoga for A Cause Donation Class in December taught by Tiffany Ketchmark, the Bloom community raised $550 to benefit Sarah's Circle. Funds raised were used to provide personal care products and services for women who are homeless or in need of a safe space. Located in Chicago's Uptown community, Sarah's Circle has provided support for thousands of women since 1979.

My Block, My City, My Hood.
Thanks to All who participated in our Summer 2020 Yoga For A Cause Class
At our Yoga for A Cause Donation Class in June taught by Sharon Wentz, the Bloom community raised $1400 to benefit My Block, My City, My Hood. Funds raised were used to distribute food and supplies to seniors and those living with disabilities who were most at risk during the continued spread of COVID-19.
#MindfulMarch 2019
Thanks to all who participated in our 4th Annual Spring Fundraiser 2019!
In March, the Bloom community raised $700 to benefit Love Your Brain Foundation’s #MindfulMarch fundraiser! Funds raised support LYB's gentle yoga and meditation programs for individuals recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries. Students joined our weekly Yoga & Meditation classes and our Wednesday Gentle Yoga class to support the cause.

#MindfulMarch 2018
Thanks to all who participated in our 3rd Annual Spring Fundraiser 2018!
In March, the Bloom community raised $550 to benefit Love Your Brain Foundation’s #MindfulMarch fundraiser! Funds raised support LYB's gentle yoga and meditation programs for individuals recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries. Students joined our weekly Yoga & Meditation classes and our Wednesday Gentle Yoga class to support the cause. Bloom friend and talented artist Bonnie Glassner generously donationed one of her beautiful paintings that was auctioned off. All proceeds also went towards LYB!
The Friendship Center
Thanks to all who participated in our fundraising event for The Friendship Center!
At our donation class in June, the Bloom community raised $255 to benefit The Friendship Center Funds raised support The Friendship Center a local nonprofit that provides food, clothing, and other vital resources to those in need in our community. Every month more than 1500 individuals and 100 pets seek relief through The Friendship Center's programs. Students joined our weekly Yoga class on Saturday, June 10th taught by Jan Yuvan. Bloom friend and talented artist Bonnie Glassner generously donationed one of her beautiful paintings that was auctioned off. All proceeds also went to The Friendship Center!

#MindfulMarch 2017
Thanks to all who participated in our 2nd Annual Spring Fundraiser 2017!
In March, the Bloom community raised $750 to benefit Love Your Brain Foundation’s #MindfulMarch fundraiser! Funds raised support LYB's gentle yoga and meditation programs for individuals recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries. Students joined our weekly Yoga & Meditation classes and our Wednesday Gentle Yoga class to support the cause. Bloom friend and talented artist Bonnie Glassner generously donationed one of her beautiful paintings that was auctioned off. All proceeds also went towards LYB!
The Lynn Sage Foundation
Thanks to all who participated in our Lynn Sage Fundraiser 2016!
In June during our third annual fundraiser, Bloom raised $450 to benefit The Lynn Sage Foundation . Every dollar donated to The Lynn Sage Foundation fortifies the efforts of the Lynn Sage Scholars, the most talented scientists in breast cancer research.

#MindfulMarch 2016
Thanks to all who participated in our Spring Fundraiser 2016!
In March, the Bloom community raised $550 to benefit Love Your Brain Foundation’s #MindfulMarch fundraiser. Funds raised support LYB’s gentle yoga and meditation programs for individuals recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries. Almost 40 participants joined our weekly Yoga & Meditation classes to support the cause, and it was incredibly moving to hear personal stories from participants about how yoga and meditation have supported the process of recovery from TBI.